Mr. Gramlich

Welcome to our classroom!

More information will be added to this page regarding our classroom. Stay tuned for an update in the next week! Thank you!

A family atmosphere prevails at our school with the education of your child being a shared responsibility.  We encourage your interest in what your child does each day and welcome your involvement in the classroom, school council and at home.

Stay Informed by Checking out our Classroom Blog Here!

Stay informed with our weekly entries about what happening in our classroom and at the school. Students are encouraged to leave comments and ask questions right here on the page!


Link to student e-Portfolios (Google Sites):

Link to Parent Login for Power School to view student progress:


Alberta Mavericks Link:


Parent Tips

  1. Please remind your child to practice their home reading and math facts on a regular basis.

  2. Please have your child go on our digital leveled reading program Raz Kids and share their reading with you.

  3. Our online library Book Flix is available to all families, we encourage you to use this on a regular basis.
  4. Check out the Learn Alberta website for learning activities to do at home.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with your questions or concerns.  Please contact me at or 403-932-4922.

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